The trunk or treat was great fun! taylor wouldnt get out of the car for the first 20 min, because she was embarrased of her hair. i ratted it out and put red an black spray in it. she kep saying,"if you wouldnt have made it radical i wouldnt be so embarrased", ha ha meaning if i wouldnt have ratted it. anyways, i got so wierded out because of that, and when she finally came out of the car she just wanted to hang out with her friends. she walked around with them instead of donnie and skyar. i CANNOT believe i am at that point as a mother where my kids dont want to be around us, its so surreal. donnie and i just kept giving each other that look like "where in trouble"!
Other than that the party was GREAT! we had so much fun, and everyone looked great. im not sure im up for getting them all ready again this week....