so here i am at 13 weeks, do i not look like im like 5 months pregnant. im starting to feel ALOT better! i will go back to the dr. on march 11th, so i cant wait for that! things have been crazy around here. donnie found out he is going to Baltimore MD, for the summer which pretty much gives me extreme anxiety. that is soooooo far away, and i cant just get in the car and drive there like the past 2 summers. of course im not going out there for the whole summer this time, probably just for the 6 weeks that taylor is out of school. i will be huge and pregnant, but im sure it will but a fun time! also we have decided to go to alabama and mississippi for spring break! i am SOOOO excited! we always love to go visit his family, but even more i get to eat the best seafood ever for 2 weeks straight! lets see, i am one of the new volley-ball coaches for the young woman, im also very excited about that! i love volley-ball, although im pregnant i might have some challenges ha ha!
1 week ago