I Have been pondering on whether i should blog about this,but its too dang funny to pass up. Taylor is really into mermaids these days, like not the little mermaid, but the real thing. i dont know if any of you have seen this movie, its called AQUAMARINE. It really is a cute movie and we have watched it like 5oo times in the past year. i even bought it for her for her birthday. well sunday she comes in my room and says, "mom, you know whats funny,is the girl on the movie calls the other girl a ROYAL B*#TCH. only she said the real thing. wow that was one of those moments that i was like in shock then started laughing.(i know not the best parenting), but after i laughed i definatly told her that was a naughty word, and we do NOT say that word. so crap, this movie is her favorite movie. i have even watched it 500 times and never noticed the girl calling the other girl a royal you know what!
Yikes! Whats it rated! I hate that! There was absolutely NO reason for them saying that in the movie! Doesnt that irritate you! Poor Tay she has no idea that its a bad word! Well now she does I guess!haha
LOL! That is hilarious! But not, well yeah it is. I have had to have that conversation with Bethanee and Nicolas as well. The sad part is Nicolas learned that same word at school!
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