The branch easter party was alot of fun this year. we met at about 10am for brunch. I made 3 different kinds of muffins and brought milk and juice, and there was also a bunch of fruit! this kids got to make a cute bunny craft while some adult hid the eggs. it was nice because they did a little hunt for the babies first so they wouldnt get trampled by the big kids. sophie loved it, and it was nice to have my cute babysitte amy help her! the girls had alot of fun, although taylor is starting to think she is to cool for this type of thing which makes me want to cry. i think she saw how much fun the other kids were having and decided to participate. she is allo about "coolness" these days. there was a great turnout, which i loved because you never know with our parties if anyone is gonna show up ha ha!
Never Say Never
1 week ago