so while everyone one else was celebrating today i was trying to refrain from beating my children. as i am typing this taylor is yelling at my and i am ignoring her. i have never been so mad at them in my whole life. taylor has been really not listening lately but this takes the cake. so donnie and i are in the house taking down the christmas decorations, and the girls are outside with a friend playing. they all walk up to the window covered in what looks like mud. i first freak out because the day before they got in trouble for playing in the mud, so im like are you seriously kidding me. then i get a little closer and realize that its not mud that is all over them including there hair and clothes, but is oil from the car. donnie had left a bag closed up in a bucket from when he changed the oil,(its been out there since before thanksgiving) i didnt want to freak out to much because i didnt want to scare her little friend, infact its a good thing she was here or child services would have had to been called. they were on the side of the house and poored it into the red flyer wagon, then proceeded to beat it with a base-ball bat so it splattered all over the side of the house and of course them. i had to throw all of there clothes away, and donnie scrubbed the side of the house with a brush for 3 hours. all i can say is that, if this is how the year is going to be, put me in my padded room right now.